Well today is the first day of my photography blog! I am very excited. So here is the run down on why I do what I do...
A few years ago, while planning my youngest daughters 1st Birthday party, I asked my husband to load our camera and take photos while we celebrated. We decorated cupcakes, played games, etc. At the end of the day I went to develop the film & DISASTER, the film was loaded incorrectly & we have NO pictures of her special day! I was so upset, so I made it a habit to carry my camera with me everywhere. Family & friends started asking me to take pictures at their parties, reunions, I even got calls to take pictures of old cars, motorcycles, crafts (they were selling on-line) and baked goods! I realized at that point there was a need for an affordable photographer.
Everyone at some point has had to lug their family into a studio for family photographs, kids crying & husbands complaining..lol believe me I have been there. Waiting for your turn, trying to keep the kids off the floor & then woohoo you get your 15 mins & then your shuffled back out to wait till you can view them. Forget that!
I will come to you ~ we can schedule around nap times or meet at a favorite park, your family reunion where ever it is you want to record your memories with quality photographs.
So think of Street Style Photography for your next family photograph!
ps ~ bear with me while I figure this blog thing out :) Posting Photographs Soon!